Welcome back to the St. John's Youth Ministry blog! We are ready to return to Quito, Ecuador to serve alongside our friends at Education Equals Hope. We hope you are ready to read about our actions and reflections as we experience what it means to carry out Christ's mission to all people in this out of the ordinary context. We appreciate the support, encouragement, and prayers of all our family and friends at St. John's and will keep all of you in our prayers on this journy, as well. One way that folks back home can join us in this mission is to learn and say the Lord's Prayer in Spanish.
Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,
santificado sea tu Nombre,
venga tu Reino,
hágase tu voluntad,
en la tierra como en el cielo.
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.
Perdona nuestras ofensas,
como también nosotros perdonamos
a los que nos ofenden.
No nos dejes caer en la tentación,
y librános del mal.
Porque tuyo es el reino,
tuyo es el poder, y tuya es la gloria,
ahora y por siempre.
Over the next nine days, we will continue to ask ourselves the three questions from the Catechism posed at our commissioning. What is the mission of the Church? How does the Church pursue its mission? Through whom does the Church carry out its mission? We look forward to sharing what we find out. The Lord be with you!
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