Looking at the volcano Imbabura from the middle of Lago San Pablo, also known as Imbakucha

Although we were not able to swim at the lake, we filled our day with games including swings, soccer, and seesaws. Soon after, we split into three groups and went on a fulfilling boat ride around the lake.
Another epic international athletic exhibition
A fun swing over the lake. The water was extremely cold!
Old school merry ground. Hang on for dear life!
Look at these muy famoso influencers promoting travel to Ecuador
Once we returned to the camp, we served the kids lunch and then had lunch ourselves. Lunch was chicken and vegetables. After lunch, the Carmen Bajo team taught us four very fun games that we all played together. Then we headed to a devotion. At this devotion we heard Heidi’s testimony which was very touching. We also learned how forgiving God is and that every decision we make affects our whole life.
The St. John's team all together
It was our turn to learn some icebreaker games from our Ecuadorian friends- rompehielos!
Joel talked to us about "How to make good decisions and not die trying"
After devotion we had free time where we played a lot of Ecuavolleyball! Dinner consisted of burgers and fries and finished with a variety of cakes for Mrs. Rebecca’s half birthday! We ended our perfect day by the campfire with all of the kids! We can’t wait to see what tomorrow has in store for us!
Sitting around the bonfire together on the last night of camp
You can't come to Ecuador on your birthday (or half birthday if John is around) without getting a cake in your face
-Kate Rayboun
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