
Sunday, June 23, 2019

Day 4 (2019) - El Refugio Retreat

As any good old fashioned day goes we woke up early, too early for my taste. I started my Ecuadorian day as any other. I tumbled out of bed. Then, I went to the bathroom and ate a banana while I caught up with tik tok. After, we loaded up on to the bus. It would be best to tell you what we were doing today, but you should have kept up with the St. John's Youth instagram. So as any great author, I shall build up to the day.

The bus was filled with some girls from Buen Pastor, Cristo Liberador, and Emaus, three Episcopal churches in Quito. Caroline told us, and I quote, "Go mingle with the ladies." I was disappointed about how she didn't say anything about the single ladies. I sat next to a girl name Danielle who was from Buen Pastor. She was a very nice person, but she forced me to play a phone game called "Heads Up". Was it fun you may ask? Yes, yes it was fun. Soon almost all of the girls on the bus had joined in, acting out things like "puerco espin" or porcupine. After an hour and a half ride we finally arrived to the promise land, El Refugio.

My dear reader, do you know what today was? We led a womens empowerment retreat. Even though there was one boy, "Sea Bass" he was our honorary girl. First, the staff had us play a get to know us game called Me Toca (My Turn). The objective of the game is to have one person in the middle of the circle doing an action, then someone has to come and PUSH them out of their turn, and then the new  person has to say, "Me Toca, Me Toca, Me Toca, Me Toca." and say their name. The new person then does a different action. This pattern continues until everyone has gone. The only problem is that we all were brand new to each other. No one wanted to be in the middle of the circle. I somehow had found myself in the middle. I'm disappoint to say I did the gangnam style dance as my action, but I would be more disappointed in myself if I had fornite danced.

After some greeting games, the staff TRICKED US! They told us to form groups of three with out best friends. THEN YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DO NEXT?! They mixed all the groups around. Those staffers played us dirty. I'm no longer mad about it, but still disappointed in them. I was in a group with some Buen Pastor girls, and Sibley, Mary Mac, Caroline, and Jhonathan. Jhonathan lead us in some trust excerises, very well if I might add.

Soon after a time of bonding it was time for lunch. Lunch, though some could say it is the second most important meal, for me is a great meal. Afterwards, we did our  proramming sessions: Relationship with God, and Relationship with Others. Our relationship with God session consisted of us jornaling and praying. We talked with the women about different ways we can connect with God.

Then came my favorite part of the retreat, solo time. We were told that there was 300 acres of land and we could wander where every we wanted. I, being the monkey I am, searched for the best place for solo time. I saw a llama and I just had to pet him. I did. I named him Agente. I stumbled upon an unkept path and hiked up. I don't think I was supposed to, but they did say we could go anywhere. The top was so beautiful. I even vlogged some of it. While up there I talked to God and he talked back through wind and I wrote a song. It was so amazing up there being by myself. Finally came the dreadful part, coming down. I stumbled, I fumbled, and then I took a tumble down the mountain. Was is a big tumble? No, but it was a tumble none the less.

The day was so amazing, especially the camp fire dinner. I tried to roast a Alexa's vegan hot dog. The only problem is that it kept falling off. I like to think that God didn't want those vegan hot dogs to be eaten. I don't blame him, really, anything vegan shouldn't be eaten.

I had a great time at the retreat. I got closer to God, the other girls, and myself. I'm glad that I tumbled into the day.

- Grace Tran

1 comment:

  1. Sounds fun Grace! I can't help thinking that the campfire kind of looks like "Tribal Council" on Survivor!!! LOL So glad you're having a great time! Now no more "stumbling and tumbling"!
